Diamond Guide

The 4 C's of Diamonds

Whether you are new to buying diamonds or experienced, this detailed guide will walk you through the complex world of diamonds, ensuring you’re prepared for when buying diamond jewellery.

Diamonds adhere to a worldwide standard known as the four C’s, which include cut, colour, clarity, and carat weight.


Graded from D to Z, colour denotes the tone of the diamond, with D representing the clearest, most valuable, and rarest shade.


Clarity refers to the presence of internal characteristics, called inclusions, and external features, known as blemishes, within the diamond. Clarity is graded between flawless (FL) and included (I3)


A unit of measurement for the weight of gemstones, with 1 carat equivalent to 0.2 grams


The cut of a diamond, graded from Excellent to Poor, alongside its proportions, symmetry, and polish, determines its brilliance and sparkle.


Diamond Colour

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) classifies diamond colour on a scale from D to Z. 

A D-grade diamond is entirely colourless, and as you progress towards Z, the colour intensity gradually shifts from a pristine lack of colour to a warmer yellow hue.

The presence of yellow hues in a diamond can be attributed to higher concentrations of nitrogen within the gem.


Diamond Clarity

Diamond clarity grades the presence of imperfections and defects in a diamond, ranging from Flawless to Included. Grades such as VVS, VS, and SI indicate differing levels of clarity.

The fewer and less noticeable the inclusions, the higher the grade, hence boosting rarity and value. Higher clarity frequently results in a higher price due to its perceived visual appeal and uniqueness. 

Flawless (FL)

No inclusions or blemishes visible under 10× magnification to a skilled grader.

Internally Flawless (IF)

No inclusions, only blemishes visible under 10× magnification to a skilled grader.

Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS1 & VVS2)

No inclusions or blemishes visible under 10× magnification to a skilled grader.

Very Slightly Included (VS1 & VS2)

Minor inclusions, ranging from difficult to somewhat easy for a skilled grader to see under 10× magnification.

Slightly Included (SI1 & SI2)

Inclusions noticeable to a skilled grader under 10× magnification.

Included (I1, I2, and I3)

Obvious inclusions under 10× magnification, potentially affecting transparency and brilliance.


Diamond Carat

Carat is a unit of weight for diamonds, with one carat equal to 0.2 grams. Larger diamonds often have a larger carat weight, which adds to their overall value.

Carat weight determines the price of a diamond, but its entire worth is determined by other factors too.


Diamond Cut

A diamond cut is the precise shape and polishing of a diamond to enhance its brilliance and sparkle.

Excellent Cut

Displays exceptional brilliance, fire, and scintillation; reflects light optimally for maximum sparkle.

Very Good Cut

Offers high brilliance, with slight compromises in fire and scintillation; a favourable balance of quality and value.

Good Cut

Represents a decent balance between brilliance and cost; may exhibit less fire and scintillation compared to higher grades.

Fair Cut

 Displays noticeable brilliance but may lack optimal light reflection; generally more budget-friendly.

poor Cut

Shows significant reductions in brilliance, fire, and scintillation; may appear dull and less vibrant.

Diamond Shapes

A diamond shape is the geometric appearance of a diamond. Exploring different diamond shapes reveals distinctive characteristics such as the timeless luxury of rounds, the elegant grace of ovals, or the enticing charm of marquises.


The round cut is easily the most popular diamond shape.

Renowned for its exceptional light performance, maximises brilliance and fire. Its popularity and versatility often result in a slightly higher price range due to the demand for this classic cut.

Old European

The larger facets of the antique European shape accentuate its historical beauty, giving it a warm, romantic light.

Its unique characteristics may help explain its moderate to higher price range, even if it is less common now.


With its step-cut facets, the emerald cut prioritises clarity above brightness. Usually falling into a moderate to higher price category, it is renowned for its exquisite look.


The baguette cut adds a delicate sparkle and is valued for its elegant lines. Often used as side stones, its affordability places it in a moderate price range.


Vibrant and elegant at the same time, the cushion cut complements many styles. Because of its popularity, its price range is modest to higher.


The rose cut’s antique charm, with a domed top and flat bottom, gives off a beautiful light. Its limited availability may impact prices in the moderate to high range.


The marquise cut, with its elongated design, produces the illusion of a bigger size. The popularity and unique appearance places it in a moderate to higher price range.


The princess cut is a popular option because it combines sophisticated elegance with stunning brilliance. Its popularity often leads to a moderate price range.


The oval cut’s broadened design adds a twist to the traditional round cut. This gemstone cut lies in the moderate to higher price category.


The radiant cut, which combines the brilliance of round and emerald cuts, is suitable for a variety of styles. Its flexibility may justify a moderate to high price.


The narrow, parallel facets of the French cut provide an artistic touch, which might put it in the moderate to higher price category because of its distinctive craftsmanship.


The asscher cut, with its historical beauty and geometric perfection, can range in price from modest to expensive, owing to its popularity in Art Deco designs.


The trillion cut has an unique allure due to its unusual triangle structure. Its rarity and distinctive appearance often place it in the moderate to high price bracket.


The pear cut’s mix of elegance can be found at prices ranging from moderate to high, depending on size and quality.

Old Mine

The old mine cut, which reflects ancient charm, may be priced in the moderate to higher range, with its distinct appeal adding to its worth in vintage and nostalgic designs.

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